Minify, uglify or compress j s o n text by removing unessential whitespace
View ToolJSON Validator
This tool also validates JSON. Invalid JSON data causes the formatting to fail. The error details, such as description, line number, and column number, are shown above the input text box.
Settings Explained
1. Indent
This setting governs whether or not the Output is indented. The indented Output is easier to comprehend. On the other hand, a non-indented output is compact. The smaller size is best for transmission over the network. So, we often minify JSON by removing non-essential whitespace. Indentation is the primary use of this tool. Users paste minified JSON and try to debug it by formatting and indenting.
Indentation On
{ "name": "John Doe", "age": 69 }
Indentation Off
{"name":"John Doe","age":69}
2. Keys In Quotes
A valid JSON must have double quotes around the keys (or property names). Unless the keys include special characters, double quotes are unnecessary when used directly inside JavaScript. Turn off this setting if you want to omit quotes around keys.
Keys In Quotes On
{"name":"John Doe","age":69}
Keys In Quotes Off
{name:"John Doe",age:69}
3. Case Conversion
Case is changed using one of the following styles before duplicate lines are removed
The output will be changed depending on the case conversion rule selected.None
No case Change
Lower Case
lower case change
Upper Case
Camel Case
Pascal Case
Title Case
Title Case Change
Snake Case
Sentence Case
Sentence case change
Kebab Case
4. Expanded Braces
Braces are written on a new line (C# style) when this option is selected. Turning the option off puts the Braces on the same line (Java/JavaScript style).
Expanded Braces On
{ "name": "John Doe", "age": 25, "addresses": [ { "city": "Phoenix", "country": "Arizona" }, { "city": "Miami", "country": "Florida" } ] }
Expanded Braces Off
{ "name": "John Doe", "age": 25, "addresses": [ { "city": "Phoenix", "country": "Arizona" }, { "city": "Miami", "country": "Florida" } ] }
5. Remove Escape Characters
Use this setting to remove escape characters in JSON Formatter. It unescapes the input JSON by removing all backslash characters preceding a double quote. This removal is needed if your JSON input has been escaped and exists in the form of a string.
"{\"personName\":\"John Doe\"}"
Remove Escape Characters On
{ "personName": "John Doe" }
Remove Escape Characters Off
"{\"personName\":\"John Doe\"}"
You cannot use this option along with Format Embedded JSON
6. Format Embedded JSON
When this option is selected, JSON embedded or escaped within string values is processed, expanded & converted to nodes.
Format Embedded JSON On
{ "name": "John Doe", "age": 25, "addresses": [ { "city": "Phoenix", "country": "Arizona" }, { "city": "Miami", "country": "Florida" } ] }
Format Embedded JSON Off
{ "name": "John Doe", "age": 25, "addresses": "[{\"city\":\"Phoenix\",\"country\":\"Arizona\"},{\"city\":\"Miami\",\"country\":\"Florida\"}]" }
7. Date Format Handling
Even though there is no standard for representing dates in JSON, two popular formats have emerged. The ISO Date Format is the most widely used. If you are using a .NET stack, quite possibly you are using the Microsoft Date Format.
ISO Date Format
Microsoft Date Format
8. Quote Character
The custom quote character to use for wrapping string values and property names. You can choose between single quote ' and double quote "
Quote Character: "
{ "name": "John Doe", "age": 69 }
Quote Character: '
{ 'name': 'John Doe', 'age': 69 }
- Dec 1, 2018
- Support for removing escape characters
- Jun 29, 2018
- Support for customizing quote character
New Data tools - - Sep 24, 2017
- Support for embedded JSON formatting
- Sep 23, 2017
- Expanded brace style & setting to skip adding quotes around keys
- Sep 19, 2017
- Date format settings
- Sep 2, 2017
- Tool Launched
Comments 2
Sam Jaarsma Copy Link
it's a shame that you do not support to convert camelCase to snake_case!
Partho Sarathi Copy Link
We just added case conversion for Lower, Upper, Camel, Pascal, Title, Snake, Sentence & Kebab cases.