Output: Decimal numbers
Convert decimal number to hex
View ToolHexadecimal is a numeric system widely used by systems designers and computer programmers. It contains 16 symbols from 0 to 9 and A to F, thus having a base of 16.
Decimal is the numeric system most used by us humans. It consists of the Hindu-Arabic numerals, a set of 10 digits from 0 to 9.
Conversion from Hex to Decimal
A Hex can be converted to Decimal using these steps:-
- Take each digit of the hex number from left to right
- Convert the hex digit to its decimal equivalent using the table
- Multiply every decimal number obtained with 16 power of digit location
- Multiply the leftmost number with 16n - 1, where n is the number of digits in the original hex number
- For the following number, multiply it with 16n - 2
- Repeat the steps for every hex digit, reducing the power of 16 each time until it reaches 0
- Add the resultant numbers together to get the decimal equivalent of your original number
Example Hex to Decimal Conversion
Let's say your Hex value is A54
, and you want to convert it to its decimal form.
- Step 1: Break the Hex number into digits:
- Step 2: Convert each hex digit into Decimal
- Step 3: Multiply each digit with a power of 16
becomes(10 x 162)
becomes(5 x 161)
becomes(4 x 160)
- Step 4: Add the numbers:
2560 + 80 + 4
- Step 5:
is the decimal equivalent of your hex numberA54
Hex to Decimal Table
Give below is a table showing all hex digits and their decimal equivalents.
Hexadecimal | Decimal |
0 | 0 |
1 | 1 |
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 |
4 | 4 |
5 | 5 |
6 | 6 |
7 | 7 |
8 | 8 |
9 | 9 |
A | 10 |
B | 11 |
C | 12 |
D | 13 |
E | 14 |
F | 15 |
Common usages of Hex
Hex is used in HTML to represent colors. For example, FF0000 refers to the color red. Hex editors use it to display binary data stored in files. You can express any byte from 0-255 using two hexadecimal digits. 00 represents the NULL character whose byte value is 0, and FF means 'ÿ' (the Latin small letter y with diaeresis). Thus, a hex digit represents a nibble, and two of them represent a byte.
Example Hex to Decimal Conversion
- (45)16 = (4 x 161) + (5 x 160) = (69)10
- (45)16 = (1 x 162) + (10 x 161) + (4 x 160) = (420)10
- Oct 9, 2021
- See calculations
- Jan 28, 2018
- Tool Launched
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